Friday, December 3, 2010

vote for MWH.

this semester i have been working on two projects regarding domestic violence -- one is a series of feature-length articles, and one is an analysis of NYT coverage since the late '70s.

for one of them, i get to volunteer at Middle Way House, a shelter / transitional housing facility for survivors of domestic violence and their children. i have learned a lot through my research, interviews, time spent at Middle Way, and also through my friend kevin who is the coordinator of children's programs. this organization and social issue as a whole has become near and dear to my heart.

the pepsi refresh project is based on votes. i posted about it a while ago when Homespun was applying for a $5,000 grant. through the voting process, Homespun received the money and has since opened their shop, so i know firsthand that the pepsi refresh project is legit.

now that Middle Way House is in the running for $250,000, i want to try to help as much as i can. maybe you will, too? if you have a second, you should vote. it really does make a difference! this agency is an important part of the bloomington community and can do even more groundbreaking work through their transitional businesses (which employ MWH residents), save money by investing in solar energy technology, and provide shelter for more women and children in need if they receive this grant. you can vote every day until december 31st.

(thanks, friends.)
love, tarabee.

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